The Winds of Change

Up, Up and Away!

We have a powerful solar eclipse coming April 8, 2024 and I’m wondering if leading up to this, the past few weeks, if there is anyone else who has also felt a shift?

I’m not exactly sure on the what or how but the only way I can identify what I’ve noticed within and around me is that there is significant emotional change brewing and on the horizon. 

The question remains though is this good or bad? 

My thought is all change, while maybe not always wanted, is usually necessary.  I feel the heavy hand of such swiftness is most often the kick in the direction you should have been going before you got off course.  I’ve had many moments like this and honestly I quite like such a sudden shake-up, it keeps me on my toes and at the ready to adjust and pivot. 

I’m not talking about the kind of change that results in a disconnection from someone you care deeply for and have a strong bond with; that is loss.

The change I speak of is that which motivates and challenges you to carve a new path or get back onto the path you were on before you took a very large wrong turn.  I think we all know when we are off course, there are many indicators, signs and brick walls to keep butting up against.  I know I’ve done it and I’ve tried to shush the soul voice within screaming at me while the Ego relishes and grapples to control.  It’s difficult to imagine a clear visual of what this looks like when both the soul and ego reside within the same body.  I feel the best description is still the two wolves theory and you can only feed one at a time.

I did find though that as I started listening and to the soul voice the more talkative and informative it became and as a result the more the Ego started to deflate.  It’s healthy to learn all you can about your own emotions and how they shape and influence your life because it’s the best way to teach yourself about managing and moderating them.  It’s even better to have that awareness when there are such big shifts going on in our skies.  You don’t need the grenades of mismanaged emotions doing maximum damage.

I do not have a lot of astrological type of knowledge but I can say that I definitely notice consistent patterns during certain times when planets and such are hi-lighted to be shifting around.  That being said I am curious with anticipation about what this solar eclipse will bring.

Happy Eclipsing!

  • Give without expectation
  • Love without attachment
  • Listen without judgement
  • Speak with kindness
  • Sing with joy


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Posted by on April 6, 2024 in Blog


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Come to the Edge

I Will Meet You There!

Finding that one soul, the one that speaks to your passion, purpose, faith, integrity, imagination, humor and weird quirks.  It’s not without difficulty and determination that you hold onto the flames that ignite and inspire your heart and soul, sometimes things feel dim, sometimes the light seems extinguished.  It’s not though, it still burns, just not as bright as when you are embracing, breathing and feeling that magical love.

Seeking and finding your “one and only” requests patience and faith, it’s about knowing, honoring and trusting what is in your heart.  Have you drawn a certain picture?  It doesn’t have to be overly specific it just has to resonate and speak to your soul, don’t let go of it!  That look, that moment, it may seem rather fairytale but why not, what’s wrong with happy endings?  They do exist within our reality, within your deepest yearnings, within the corners of your mind, you have to keep believing in it.  As you sift through the many faces to find that one soul you recognize all the pieces then fall into place, you truly feel illuminated and it feels like home.  It’s like you’ve known each other a thousand lifetimes and that soul connection realigns and blends right back together.  It’s not about what one can do for the other, you live to create and nurture those little moments where nothing monumental is happening yet it feels endearing and peaceful because you are so totally connected.  There is no room for negativity like jealousy or control because they do not exist, your hearts are too closely entwined together to come apart by such minor and petty interferences.

You cannot cling too tightly to your vision otherwise your arms will not be open to welcome it in.  The most significant element is to release it, let it go so it can soar, what is meant for you will never pass you by.  Hold onto your faith that divine timing is at work behind the scenes to create and carry this magic into your life.

Better to stay faithful to this vision than be in union and left feeling lonely or sad because the connection is lacking or not there at all. 

Just because you can’t see to the top of the staircase does not mean it isn’t there.

I’m fascinated by your love, your light, your heart.

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Posted by on August 22, 2022 in Blog


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If It’s Not Broke

Don’t Fix It?

How does one determine and/or agree with another’s feeling about what is or isn’t broken?

How does one determine how just, worthy or right another’s feelings are when hurt?

Emotions are a very large part of all of us and probably the most important and largest hurdle in all relationships, dismissing them is a huge mistake.  We are all human, whether you acknowledge or embrace your emotions, healthy or not they are still there in the background.  Emotional well-being and communication are the most important aspects to staying grounded and sane for that matter.   Shoving them deep down is a misconception that you can control them but you can’t, they are the rabid caged dogs just waiting to get out.  They could come out at the worst possible time and in the worst way and when they do you are fooling yourself if you think you are in control.  Obviously it would not be the preference to have your emotions writhing away recklessly on others but taking the time to find out where the hurts are that you’ve buried deep within is your best resource to understanding and managing your own triggers.  The deep dive into who you are and what makes you tick is a lengthy and arduous journey, sometimes it gets messy but all times it’s worth it!

Relationships can feel so difficult at times and those difficulties can usually be found within the standards we have set in our minds and are holding onto.  Are your standards too high, too low, not expressed or just expected?  When you fail to communicate how you feel so much gets overlooked and lost.

When you have difficulty are you listening with presence for the purpose of understanding when another expresses how they are feeling and asking the questions of what has hurt or upset them?  Or are you pushing their feelings aside and acknowledging only your own emotions, holding on strongly to the ideal that until your needs are met and your issues are heard there is nothing to discuss?

Issues not acknowledged or addressed remain active issues!

The term “sweeping something under the carpet” does nothing to heal the wound left by whatever broke it open.  You can’t band-aid everything, sometimes you have to take ownership of your part and reach for greater understanding.  Of course there are two sides to every story and this does not mean that you are wrong and the other person is right but acknowledging how you have affected someone is a very important moment in making things right and properly healing a wound that you may have caused and vice versa.

There are many reasons why some of us do not acknowledge or own our missteps or wrongdoings against those we like/love and most times they have nothing to do with the other person but that can hardly be comforting when you are the one feeling emotionally stung.  Sure you can say to yourself I know they don’t really mean it but does that change how it has affected you when you have been scoffed at or labeled too sensitive?  Most times one isn’t aware of why or what is causing them to lash out, that is inner work and not everyone knows they need it or want to do it.  If you don’t get in touch with the truth of yourself how will you ever truly connect with others?

My upbringing was wonderful, my mother was my main influence and I learned so much from her.  She was so generous with soul nourishment and support and shared her values lovingly.  Such a blessing!

I was raised to treat others with respect, dignity and grace which would help me show others how I would like to be treated in return.

  • The challenge in that though is with who you are interacting with, how they have been treated in the past, how it has affected them and how they affect others outwardly as a result.

 I have now learned the necessity of finding my voice to express my boundaries.

I was raised to give others the benefit of the doubt because sometimes you can misunderstand something especially if it isn’t directly spoken or displayed.

  • The challenge in this respect lies within the realm of assumption and presumption which is a path I believe has been well travelled by many including myself, in the past.

 I have now learned the art of expression for clarification.

I was raised to give others a second chance because sometimes people make mistakes and it doesn’t mean they are terrible it just means they are human.

  • The challenge here is sometimes it can go on too long and you become a doormat giving the other the idea that they can continue to dish it out and you will accept whatever they are serving.

 I have now learned when to draw the boundary of how many times that is acceptable.

It is my thought that relationships are not so much something two people have to constantly work at to be successful.  I feel it only becomes work when we stop listening to each other.  The “work” is only necessary when there is a lack of flexibility, respect and appreciation for the other person’s feelings about any one topic.  It seems to me that conflict only arises when there is refusal to hear any other side other than one’s own and insistence of only one right opinion.  No one person’s opinion on any topic is wrong because it doesn’t match yours, it just means they have a different point of view and perspective.  If you are open to discussion and listening there is great opportunity for higher learning and evolvement.  Different opinions invite healthy discussion to further understanding and is a benefit to not just your own higher learning but to growing a connection stronger.

With all that is going on globally there is much opportunity and time to reflect and consider how you can improve the well-being of others as well as yourself, to take that deeper look at how you are connecting, how you are affecting and how you are being affected.  Talk doesn’t need to be cheap it can and should be valuable especially within the relationships you want to cultivate, nourish and broaden.

I think when you start asking yourself the deeper questions it leads you to a place of deeper understanding and sense of compassion.  It takes you to the place of releasing things that have been holding you so far down that the only way to go is up and from there you will find that the walls you have built are no longer needed because you are content and comfortable with who you are.  You aren’t holding others responsible for how they have affected or made you feel because you now feel strong within yourself.  Anyone trying to make you feel less than now no longer has the power to do so because you have developed so much confidence in yourself that you can look in the mirror and smile, knowing you have done your best.  This inner belief is the equivalent of someone who never tells a lie, they don’t have to worry about being caught because they have not altered the truth, they aren’t going to trip up and tell the wrong story because there is only one story.  When you know the truth and speak the truth there is nothing anyone can say to question that.

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Posted by on August 13, 2020 in Blog


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Where do we go from here,,,, and

How do we get there?

It seems important at this time to infuse as much positivity into the world as possible.  Specifically because of the time we are in during this pandemic and especially because of the state of conflict humanity seems to be immersed in over clarity of what matters.

It is difficult to grasp that with all we have been given in this human experience and in an environment that provides us with such beauty and natural resource that this is where we have come to.  How is it that feelings like empathy, compassion and kindness are being overlooked to the point of turning completely the other way?  We should be trying to make all lives better, lifting each other up to come along on the journey with us.

I am by no means pointing any fingers but I feel that this is kind of how things have gotten to the state they are at.  All lives matter!  Division of any kind serves no purpose except to exert power and control.  Change cannot occur until our hearts and minds are advocating compassion for others as well as gratitude for life.

So where do we go from here and how do we get there?

I believe it starts with reflection, checking in with ourselves to see how we each are doing, what we are doing and if there is something we need to change internally, externally or both.

  • Are you living your best life?
  • Are you being your best self?
  • Are you speaking with kindness?
  • Are you listening with heart?

It is not race or gender specific but we are all termed under the label of “mankind” although it should be “humankind” and as all of humankind are you being a kind human?  I think life gets so clouded with trying to run and excel in the human race, sometimes stepping on others while climbing that ladder, that we forget it’s not really a race at all but rather a journey.

  • One that requests but does not demand presence, intention and grace.
  • One that allows but does not enforce empathy to blossom and evolve.
  • One that inspires but does not restrict imagination of optimistic vision.

We all have free will to choose and even not choosing is a choice.

If you haven’t arrived at where and who you wanted to be yet I believe the more pressing question is where are you holding back?  There are boundless opportunities and sometimes you can block yourself from seeing them with your state of mind.  It seems like such a simple adjustment to make but probably the most common difficulty one can face and not for lack of opportunity but lack of belief in self.  It’s astonishing how we carefully construct these prisons around ourselves, how high they become and how difficult they are to take down.

Where is your passion, your purpose, your path?

I have ventured down many but when I come to realize I have made a wrong turn I circle back to find an alternate route.  I don’t view these wrong turns as mistakes or failures I instead see them as lessons, experiences that have been put on my path to help me to find the right one.  Everything happens for a reason and it is my job to figure out what that reason is and how to navigate toward something better.

I don’t want to go in a straight line, I want to investigate all the openings, look for opportunity behind every door, deviate from the plan to find any other and all perspectives because I know somewhere within that magical concoction lies the secrets of ultimate freedom and happiness.

I have been mulling over the subtleties of duality in humanity and soul.  We all inhabit the energy of feminine and masculine as a duality, the blend of yin and yang in each of us as individuals which contributes to who we are and how we move through our lives.  The question is how comfortable are you with the identification of that duality?  As evolution has occurred this notion has become more accepted but in times very much passed I feel it was a tougher go for the macho male in the sense that embracing and expressing from a nurturing or sensitive state was thought of as too feminine and a sign of weakness.  When you are open to realize and embrace that part of your duality you expand possibility, awareness and consciousness.  Of course when the ego is trying to control or overrun the spirit instead of allowing it to blend I feel it comes out through a variety of ways as well as a heavy overcompensation to be seen as more masculine.  Nurturance or sensitivity is not weakness and those who are comfortable, content and aware of its power have learned this.

It seems to me there is a misconception and misinterpretation that sensitivity is linked to vulnerability and as such is the definition of someone who is less than.  For anyone that has dared to show and expose their own vulnerability which certainly proves to be an increasingly higher risk has learned that it is strength in its purest form.

Lack of belief in self can impede your evolution of awareness and understanding as to how important the ego/spirit blend is, leaving you open and vulnerable to infection of egocentric behavior.  There are no positive aspects in egocentric, it serves only to demoralize and is expressed recklessly and outwardly through some form of abuse.  Left unchecked it evolves and escalates to degrees that deconstruct everyone and everything in its path.

It feels to me that this perpetuated segregation requires global response of equality and emancipation for all.

We are not born with hatred in our hearts.  Negativity comes in externally and sometimes sifting through it to filter out the pieces that do not fit can feel daunting.  Developing an empowered and stronger sense of self has never been more important!

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Posted by on July 4, 2020 in Blog


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Let’s Talk

The Value of Connecting

 Even the hard conversations matter!

  • They are not easy to approach
  • They are not easy to have
  • They are not easy to get through

They all have one thing in common, they are very important to finding resolution.  I always try to put myself in another’s shoes when trying to understand where someone is coming from and how they are affected when in conflict.  Being open and committed to resolution is a necessity to finding a positive outcome.

However, not all conflict can be resolved, not because it’s impossible but because change only occurs when there is productive commitment to that goal.  You don’t always know what another person is experiencing in their life.  Not all reactive behaviour can be understood on a surface level and if someone is willing to share please always let compassion be part of the essence of that conversation.

I have had experiences on both sides, with those who are open and those who are defensive.  It’s obvious as to which side is most compatible with resolution.  I don’t think understanding defensiveness is really that difficult but if the person you are in conflict with will not let it go then resolution can be challenging if not impossible.

It’s difficult to take a hard look at your contribution to any experience and no one is innocent whether you believe you are or not.  It takes two to tango so being conscious and owning your part is a requirement in finding peace.  If not able to within a conflict then at least with yourself and from there you will grow.  Personal growth is the staple your evolution with the most important aspect being open to taking responsibility for your decisions and choices.  A stone thrown cannot be retrieved or undone, understanding how powerful or damaging the words you choose can be the doing or undoing in your relationships and minimizing how they affect someone else is a short sighted and foolish miscalculation.

Even though we can connect with anyone and everyone at any time all over the world, which is a great feature of the technological advancements, I feel it disconnects us more in many ways.  I see it used in both positive and negative pursuits and while I see many beautiful positives the negatives still lurk in the background.  I don’t believe that one chooses to hurt another simply for the sport of it.  Striking out usually comes from a place of hurt and pain, similar to an injured animal protecting its wound because they’ve lost trust that the help is sincere.

Trust is very precious and when exploited it becomes near impossible to re-establish that very delicate balance.  If we all understood this as deeply as it should resonate within I think we would all be less likely to challenge that risk.

During this global pause we have an opportunity to explore the things that elude us including the ability to connect through real conversation.  Before this my life was going so fast, every task and experience was the equivalent of being late to work and trying to rush as fast as I could to get there on time.  A constant race in testing the boundaries of how much I could really get done in a day, leaving me with no time for personal nourishment of soul.

How much have you taken for granted as the world has progressed to become so crazy busy and are you embracing these now for the gifts they are?

There are so many things I feel blessed with and am thankful for.

  • Clean air to breathe through healthy lungs
  • Strength and the ability to actively move as I desire and need
  • Solitude to recharge, fortify and nurture my mind, body and spirit
  • An environment that provides me with beautiful and breathtaking scenery
  • Blessed connections with those who inspire, motivate and nourish my soul to move in the direction of my dreams.

It’s these basic foundations that at times are taken for granted, overlooked as the blessings they are when forgetting that life’s offerings are not part of the mindset encumbrances you imprison yourself with.  Your mind is more powerful than you realize, it can either inspire or paralyze you and the difference between which side you reside in is entirely your choice.  It takes one thought, one decision, one shift of mindset to step into your power, to embrace and engage in all things that improve your world.  It is right there proof positive in whatever shifts that for you whether it is a book, movie, seminar, infomercial, whatever elevates you to feel inspired, to believe.  Notice how it takes only that one moment to shift?  Shockingly that moment can be really hard to advance to because it is in direct conflict with the ego.  The ego loves and thrives to be in control whether that is beneficial or detrimental to you, it does not discern, it serves only itself.

If you approach, embrace and inhabit this wave in all things you do there is no other outcome except positive change.  If you knew you could not fail would you attempt to try something?  It’s an intriguing thought isn’t it?  I wonder how many would take the chance.  You see our biggest detractors is ourselves.  It’s a lot easier to believe in someone else, inspire someone else because the risk to you is lower, you don’t have to put yourself out there but you also don’t receive the inner bliss that is the reward.

What anyone else thinks of your path is none of your business, simply because it is what ignites your soul not theirs.  Ego inspired thoughts from others designed to distinguish your spirit come from a place of one’s own fear.  When someone tries to discourage you for whatever reason know that they are telling you their story, not yours.

We all have our own unique ways to elevate our lives and we all inherently know how to fan and expand those flames.  I think now is a really good time to explore, to find your inspiration, to allow your own beauty to shine!

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Posted by on May 16, 2020 in Blog


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Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds!

The New Normal for now…

Well this hardly feels normal but then again maybe the world could use a slowdown, to remember and re-integrate practices in life that have long been forgotten or dropped entirely.  With so much stimulation at our fingertips every hour of every day I would venture to say that many of us were constantly running around and most times on empty, perhaps this is the Universe’s way of cleansing out these toxins.

It’s not surprising that there was so much instant gratification available in the world until now, anyone trying to get anywhere had to be constantly on that wheel to stay ahead and relevant in the “human race”.  With these options now on global pause it gives us all new opportunities and while love may not be the answer to getting this new normal under control I believe it is the answer to getting through it.

  • Loving life and humanity enough to ensure you don’t take risks.
  • Moderating what you actually need so there is something for everyone.
  • Sharing what you can, when you can with those who are struggling.

I’ve always been so focused on my goals and dreams that when I get over one mountain I don’t take the time to celebrate and bask in the glory of my achievement before I start looking for the next mountain to climb.  While this is a good motivational plan, there are many steps that must be checked off and if I don’t take the time to enjoy the little victories how can I appreciate all that it took to get me there?  This global pause in a way has been good for me because I don’t have a choice.  #self-reflection, #faith

Everything in its time and everything in its place, we cannot manifest what we cannot embrace.

My visual analogy of the Universe as a whole is like a body of water, each of us the singular droplets that make it up.  How intimidating would you believe a droplet of water was compared to an ocean?  You see divided we do not have as much power but connected we are a force to be reckoned with.

It is the human “ego” that divides that connection, the part you fight with to maintain equilibrium.  Things that are so plain and simple become convoluted and messy when the ego gets involved.  It’s really easy to express authentically but it is rarely done.  Maybe now we get so much time with ourselves we grow a greater appreciation for connecting with others.  Maybe now we have compassion and empathy for those in difficult times and less fortunate.  Maybe now we respect and love our environment more so it can be bountiful for generations to come.

Maybe this world of anything and everything all at once and all the time is merely overwhelming and things couldn’t have continued so fast paced and addictive.  What can I say I’m a curious thinker?

So being inside I am bound to watch a movie or two and the one that was recently on again was the movie “Lucy”.  I’d seen it before a few years ago but the part of the movie that got my imagination going then and now was the part about the percentage of the brain we utilize.

A further extension of this was the theory regarding cells, choosing immortality or reproduction dependent upon the environment in which they reside.  I found this equally interesting and was very curious about the possibilities and parallels within our existence and environment.

I am by no means fully or even half versed in these topics but I do like to dive deep at times into a variety of thoughts while staying open to any and all perspectives and theories.  The reason this time brought this movie to my mind is because when things occur whether isolated or global my mind wants to look for the reasons and answers.  Sometimes I feel it is in the way we live, the way we treat others and the way we respect our environment.

With all the other awful things that go on in the world how well are we really taking care of each other?

This time, which I’m hearing a number of different timelines being projected for is creating a big change in the world around us.  The question is when all is said and done will we all go back to how it was before?  Can we?  Or is it possible that we create something new, something better, something positive?

Maybe this global pause will help us all re-ground ourselves and come to comfort within our hearts so we can start to see and connect with the glimpse of heaven that lies within all of us

Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds

Stay Safe




Posted by on April 11, 2020 in Blog


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Let’s Be Honest

What do you really know?

 I would venture to guess that many people have at one time or another made an assumption and/or presumption about another’s life, thoughts, intentions and/or grievances (potential or otherwise).  I can’t say with any certainty in the times I have done this that I 100% know exactly what is going on in the mind or life of another and I don’t think anyone really can.  Coming to this awareness and making a commitment to myself as well as others to maintain this awareness when situations arise that trigger this type of speculation is a consideration I give to myself and others.

Communication is one of my favorite experiences to participate in for a few reasons:

  • It cultivates and creates new connections
  • it strengthens and enhances my existing relationships
  • it inspires my thoughts and perspectives in new directions
  • It expands and nourishes the world in which I live

The more we learn about each other the deeper we can connect our souls, this is just my thought but I feel many of us are out there starving for this kind of nourishment.  It seems to be showing up everywhere and spiraling through signs of distress, dissatisfaction, dissidence, disrespect and total disconnection from the emotional feelings that are meant to connect us.  As much as the world has achieved such fantastic technological advances that has given us all further reach in connecting with all walks of life from all over the world, it seems these advances have also disconnected us from real and authentic conversation and connection to each other.

Assume – suppose to be the case, without proof

I believe this is more common than realized and the best way to take this out of the equation in any relationship is to be clear and direct.  I have learned to use a feedback process so if I’m not sure I understand something and I feel within that there is potential for me to assume I repeat back what I’ve heard and ask for clarification.  It gives me and the person I am in communication with the opportunity to clear that line so there is no room for misinterpretation.  Sometimes the one you are communicating with didn’t really hear how what they were saying was actually coming across because it sounded different to them or their intention was not how it was expressed and they would like to re-word.  I work hard to continually utilize this process because I’ve learned from my own experiences that EVERY time I’ve ever assumed I’ve been wrong.

Of course my feedback process hasn’t worked every time, there are times when a communication goes south and there’s nothing you can do about it except postpone it to another time.  Everyone is different, everyone’s circumstances are different and sometimes things need to be addressed at a later date. During difficulty not everyone is in an open and generous state of mind, conversations under that kind of influence may become strained and tense.

Presume – suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability

Again, probably more common than realized and in my experience presumption has occurred because of me, my lack of faith and fear of what I do not have clarity on.

Assume or presume, either is risky and can put you on the hamster wheel cycling and escalating a misunderstood and unclarified communication into parts unknown.  Potentially causing you to imagine the worst, creating and/or elevating it in your mind, only to find out later that you never had it right.  Of course it is possible you may be right but how much satisfaction do you really get out of that?  I would say your soul gets no satisfaction but your ego is probably loving it.  How much is it really worth though?  Putting yourself through unnecessary stress and aggravation.  I don’t know about you but that does not appeal to me at all.

I feel the best resolution to clearing both of these usually disastrous tendencies is to increase your practice in generosity.  Consideration and/or empathy towards what another is experiencing or feeling is a necessary component on the path to understanding.  There is that phrase “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” which is essentially the platform in which this kind of understanding begins on.

  • How would you feel if you were in their situation whatever that may be which of course you don’t always know?
  • How would you be responding if what they are experiencing was going on in your life?

I realize that in certain situations having generosity towards another can be a big request and while it may seem like it is for the benefit of just the other person it really is more of a benefit for you.  To keep you on track with your soul and off that hamster wheel so you aren’t escalating an experience that may have left you feeling emotionally insignificant and/or invalidated.

It does absolutely no good for anyone to try to understand, comprehend or possibly imagine what another person thinks or believes about you to be true.  The main point about this is that it does not define who you actually are so why even entertain the thought?  What someone else perceives about you does not mean that their perception is right, does it?

Speculating through your own fears without knowing the truth of a situation can be a dangerous thought process with the biggest threat being your own personal health and well-being.

                          False     Expectations     Appearing     Real

When you create a false expectation (theory) of what appears real through the eyes of another assuming/presuming you know what they think, feel or believe you injure yourself the most.

How often have you misdirected your own fears into a reality that would never have manifested in the way you’ve imagined?  How far have you taken those misguided thoughts?  Has it benefited you in any way?

I’ve had communications that have gone to both sides of the spectrum so my wish is to introduce caution, consideration and compassion when communicating whether difficult or not.

  • Caution against saying something you may not be able to take back. There are so many words to use and some can cause more damage than others.
  • Consider the words you choose and ask yourself first how you would feel if they were spoken to you.
  • Compassion in its purest form is a gift you give to another and a blessing you give to yourself.

It takes more of your energy to be resistant than it does to be generous but it takes more courage to be generous than it does to be resistant.  Resistance lowers your levels of personal empowerment and generosity elevates it.  Awareness is power!

Be generous with yourself and notice how that changes your energy, imagine the impact when you embrace and carry that same energy into all your communications.  What a different world you can create around you.

There is such beautiful opportunity to develop deep and profound connections through conversation.  I’ve found my strongest connections with others have been formed through communication simply because it has allowed me to see their heart, their vulnerability and their soul.  There is no way to quantify this except to say it’s priceless!

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Posted by on February 24, 2020 in Blog


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Divine Timing

Taking the steps you feel guided to take

The Past has Passed – reflect to learn and grow but do not stay!

The Present is Presence – the current moment is where opportunity begins

The Future you Manifest – what energetic house are you building?

Divine timing!  This is a phrase I keep hearing these days and I do believe in it but if you are anywhere near as impatient as I am then you are also finding these words at times do nothing to sustain or quiet the energy within that wants to forge ahead and get things done.  I have had to really dial it back over the last few years and while I continue to learn how to adapt and be comfortable with this kind of restraint I’ve also come to appreciate and understand the importance of it.  One of my thoughts about what some of the many blessings are within divine timing is understanding that no matter how self-motivated you may be there is no forcing anything forward until it is the right time and perfectly aligned.  You absolutely have no choice but to sit back and let the Universe take whatever time schedule is in its plan to manifest and have faith!  Be realistic enough with yourself to recognize and accept that along with everyone else you also have flaws, no one is perfect and no one knows it all so don’t hold yourself to a plan you set out on from a different circumstance or mindset, sometimes the picture changes.  Stay Open!

A large part of my life’s lessons have been centered around patience and when it comes to the Universe and divine timing there is nothing I can do to change the speed of the timeline for my own development and manifestation, regardless of how much I try to will things to hurry along.  I constantly have a plethora of ideas which enhance and inspire my goals.  When I can see that vision ahead it becomes very difficult for me to rein in my anticipation and excitement, aah that beautiful impatience of mine.  Anything other than acceptance only serves to bring me anxiety and stress which is essentially resistance and that further slows down my universal timeline.  I’m learning it’s best to just leave things alone (still learning, not yet mastered), allow whatever will be to be, not focus on the progress of the timeline and always pay attention to the signs that come up along the way.  The signs you receive are the assurance, affirmation and encouragement to let you know where you are on your path.  Clear away any negative thinking, be open and willing to receive or you may miss them.  If something feels off then it is time to give your inner voice the platform, let your gut guide you and listen to it!  When you disregard your gut instinct and go against it regret for not validating that voice will follow.

It is my thought that if you have a strong intuition (empathic, psychic or both) it may be a bigger challenge to sit back and allow time to flow as intended because your sense of knowing, that sneak peak, can either allow you to be calm knowing something is on its way or excited and impatient for it to occur.  If you have been sensing/feeling something big and/or life changing has been orbiting just outside your perimeter but are having difficulty trying to identify where it’s all coming from or what “it” is you may be on the precipice of your own soul’s awakening.  Much like your growth and experiences your awakening would progress and evolve as you align with new and heightened levels of awareness unfortunately there is no handbook and believe me I know how much easier it would be if there was.

In exploring soul awakening, what seems to be coming to the forefront in the last while is the “twin flame” journey which seems to be transitioned from “soulmate” depending upon which theory you hear, maybe it’s just me but it seems to be popping up more frequently. Perhaps there is a newer label already although it doesn’t matter so much, I think it is the thought of providing hope for the belief held in the one’s heart which is more about the experience than the fashionable label.  We all have an equal, your person, the one you connect with for your greater soul’s journey and the call when heard by your soul opens the protected depths of your heart, sometimes you don’t even know how or why this has been stirred.  Have you heard yours?

It is the one you are inexplicably drawn to even though your brain is saying “no this cannot be”, your intuition/gut instinct keeps pulling you back making it hard to comprehend or understand such polarity.  It is the one that speaks to only your soul, the one that you are connected to spiritually regardless of if you have encountered each other in the physical realm at all.  Only you will know if you have you felt this connection and only your gut will know if you are truly hearing it or trying to re-direct and force it in the direction of instant gratification or false desire.

This connection is one that goes beyond the limits of what feels/seems realistic and only those souls that have been awakened will likely relate. It is my belief that your twin flame is the one that you have unknowingly been trying to change every one of your relationships into, a coat that just did not fit any other person and not knowing why you are doing this except that something in you (your soul) is driving that heart’s desire. Not even having the awareness that this is what you’ve been doing until you have been awakened and then, finally, the realizations (aha moments) become so transparent you are mystified to understand why something that seems so clear now was such a mystery to you before.

I would never say I have it all figured out, I still have a long journey ahead and much more alternate perspectives to investigate but I have always been eager to embrace and explore the various directions in which my thoughts and ideas travel whether they are inspired through spirit channel or my own intuition and this has been a great benefit to keeping me open.  I’m not fully schooled on the specifics of the twin flame journey or soulmates and for me it doesn’t really matter, I feel it’s more about how I relate to it and how it relates to me.  Through my own individual experiences I have acquired bruises, cracks and scars, as we all do, and it is through these openings that light has the opportunity to get in and heal.  I have developed the overall understanding that my experiences are opportunities not punishment, if I choose to be close-minded about them in that way I will not gain any personal expansion or awareness.  The opportunity given with each experience is that you can learn, grow and find something positive you can take away from it, even the terrible experiences contain some form of education, if you’ve learned that is positive.  Or you can choose blame and as a result and torture yourself by continually running that hamster wheel, ruminating, regenerating and giving extended life to those thoughts that bring you grief or sadness.  I think it’s important to note that the wheel being circular means there is never an off-ramp and until “you decide” to step off you risk running that continuum, endlessly stuck.

It is my belief that when you align yourself with someone who is not “your person” whether out of impatience, loneliness, desperation, etc., then you are settling.  Now at the same time I don’t like to question the divine, there could be a reason for a misconnection, you may be meant to align yourself with a specific person who isn’t “your person” but who will usher in certain lessons (difficult and sometimes necessary ones) to elevate you to the level and put you in alignment with “your person”. I am not insinuating that your person is either higher or lower than you but rather that when you meet is when you have ascended to an equal level. For example your person may have already gone through a difficult lesson and has grown/elevated or vice versa and therefore either one of you may need to transition through another “experience” so you can align with each other. It might also be that only one is awakened or maybe both are but one hasn’t realized where the call is coming from even though their soul hears it.

There are many different thoughts and reasons things occur as they do in each of our lives and no one person can or should be telling you how to manage your life.  I think the best thing you can do for yourself is to be an open channel so divine timing has the opportunity to become the magical force behind living your best life.

Everything happens to heal and beautify your soul in ways you can’t imagine until you happen into your greatest soul’s desire.

Love is your only way!


Posted by on November 25, 2019 in Blog


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The Mastery of Will

You Attract What You Believe

It’s extremely important to really understand the depth and power your own thoughts command.  If someone told you that you created your reality with your thoughts, even the bad experiences that made their way into your life, would you believe it?

I have always embraced good thoughts and subsequent good experiences and even though I’ve always been aware of how impactful my thoughts are on my life I didn’t always connect them on the occasional time they would dip.  It is all energy and alignment, what you are emitting is what you will attract, keeping that in mind when something disappoints, saddens or hurts you will be your most important time of vigilance.

This isn’t to say that every bad experience you’ve had is your fault, you do not intentionally invite bad experiences but the energy swirling around you can.  Your energy has a magnetic field that attracts and pulls in like energy which is why it is so imperative to check in with yourself often, monitor and change your thoughts when necessary.

I do believe destiny plays a powerful role and that my experiences (good and bad) have always had something to teach me.  In the positive light after a negative experience I always look for the lesson, what can I take away from it?  Even an elevation in awareness from a negative experience becomes the positive light at the end of a dark tunnel.

The Human Factor:  When venturing down a negative road within your thoughts you are unconsciously constructing the prison your mind will be sentenced to live in, one that impacts your actions, your outlook and ultimately your quality of life.  Which side of that spectrum you lean toward (positive or negative) is the direction you alone get to choose.  Living in the positive significantly expands and cultivates positive thoughts, actions and outlook on life in growth and for me is the only way.

Every thing began with a thought.  Every achievement began with an action.  Everything you want in life is on the other side of those thoughts and actions.  Fear is the only thing that can stop you from chasing what you desire.  There are a few acronyms to define fear but I heard one the other day that is my new favourite and best describes my relationship with it when I let it in.

  • False
  • Expectations
  • Appearing
  • Real

That is exactly how it has felt when I’ve allowed myself to be infected by fear.  I would magnify those thoughts in my mind giving fear more life and power than it deserved.  Thankfully my determination to overcome that adversity is a much stronger will of mine than fear.  I absolutely refuse to let fear define me in any way.

You have to believe so strongly in yourself and the direction you are going toward that you are able to accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to.  It is within that belief (mastery of will) that you can achieve anything.

The Soul Within:  Hearing and heeding your inner voice is the most effective way to nurture the soul within, to help it flourish and to discover your destined path, divinely guided that is.

Let go of control and allow the Universe to bring toward you what is divinely guided and let your mind be.  There is no need to worry or stress about it, what is meant for you will never miss you.  You have to trust in that and go about your life.  Build what you need to in the meantime knowing all things are going to fall into place when they are meant to without you trying to force things along or in the timeframe you believe it should be.

When you try to force or guide things you end up creating a resistance in the Universe because you are going against its natural flow and divine timing.  I know it is difficult sometimes to allow things to unfold especially if you are feeling inspired or motivated to forge ahead but it is called divine timing for a reason.  We don’t always know the reasons why things occur when they do or when they don’t and it is

Another phrase I heard somewhere in the last month that also resonated with me was “life is not a dress rehearsal and time is not a renewable resource”.  My appreciation with this phrase is a resounding reminder about the importance of a moment, the value of a connection, how rare they are and not to take them for granted.

Life can change in a moment, regret can last a lifetime, say yes to as many life changing positive opportunities as you can!

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Posted by on June 29, 2018 in Blog


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If You Change How You View Things

Then You’ll Change How You Do Things

Something Old:  Sadness from your experiences is a state of being and is supposed to be the temporary transition period until you have found healing.  It is when you stay in that space for too long that it begins to become a part of your life, the reason for not moving forward and harmful to your soul.

It is my observation when I see someone unhappy or dissatisfied in their life that they are not actually disconnected but most times just feeling that way.  Isolation of the soul can be more damaging to your quality of life but it is the ego’s way of controlling your thoughts and your thoughts can overshadow even the best of realities.  It isn’t always that others are against you as you may feel at times and when you change how you are viewing a situation in your life then it changes the entire validity of that negative thought.  This is not just a theory by Wayne Dyer about changing the way you look at things and the things you look at change, I have actually tested it and it proved to be true which effectively changed the dynamic of a relationship I had viewed differently as well as shifted it into a more positive direction.  Had I done this earlier I wouldn’t have had to endure the thoughts I created with my view for so long which caused discomfort, disharmony and friction.

This isn’t to say that sadness you experience is unfounded but rather that it doesn’t need to stay in the forefront of your thoughts and life for as long as you sometimes allow it.  I’m not discounting that there could be someone or something at the source of an unhappiness but when you know that what is the best route for your soul to take when this occurs?  As always remedies to anything isn’t a “one size fits all” type of decision and outcome but developing your awareness to recognize when you become stuck is how you eventually find your way out of that fray.  Whenever I experience difficulty I consciously step back and look for a different view or perspective because I am aware that the alternative is restrictive thought that can alter my quality of life and I would much rather look for the lesson than fan the flames of the issue.

My remedy?  It starts with communication; expressing and understanding how I, you and all of us affect others within the communications we have.  It is my thought that the biggest misunderstandings can be traced back to a breakdown in communication because this is how we connect with each other, how we are heard and how we are validated.  I understand the feeling of wanting to be heard and validated in the midst of a difficult conversation but when you offer the same in return to the other person you are opening the lines of communication back up and showing by example that you too are dedicated and compassionate about finding resolution.  It’s so much more important to be kind over being right!

You must be the change you wish to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi

This is no different than any one person extending a piece of themselves compassionately and/or empathetically to nurture and nourish their family, their pet, a garden or those around them in their community.  This is what keeps that interconnected link between us all free and clear of the debris that can corrode and compromise it.

As you evolve letting go of thoughts, attitudes, behaviours and patterns that are no longer working for you relieves the burdens of stress and creates the space that allows for open thought and different views.  My resolve for this struggle in my life was to expand my awareness so I could recognize this for what it was, resistance.  I used to think of resistance in only one definition until I knew better.  In the past my association was relevant to participating in competitive sports as opposition.  Resistance to me was coming up against a roadblock to the direction in which I wanted to go.  What I’ve come to better understand is that at certain times in my life I have embraced resistance when I didn’t allow my natural path to flow unknowingly creating my own brand of opposition.  Of course as we all go through experiences we hopefully learn from them and for this particular aspect in my life I’ve gained an awareness of the part I have played when trying to direct my destiny instead of allowing it to unfold.

Resistance by definition is:  the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.

I feel it’s just about being consciously alert to the changes that occur for you when resistance is on the horizon and channeling that energy into a more positive outlet to serve you better.

Something New:  I think the best direction to always go is toward the positive, well of course!  Obviously I don’t know everything there is to know about all things but what I do know is that you won’t exact change while embracing the energy that created an issue to begin with.  It is only through doing something different that different results occur.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result – Albert Einstein

What separates us at times is ego, an ego unchecked, imbalanced and overexposed can become overwhelming not just to the people around but the one carrying the imbalance.  A good way to determine what you are projecting is by noticing what you are attracting.  What are your dominant thoughts and are they positive?  Do you see experiences occur in your life that coincide and/or support those dominant thoughts?  If these are not the experiences you want to see changing your views is the beginning.  When you invest more of yourself into the people and experiences it breathes new life into those connections much like the cup runneth over.  In turn you will find that as your energetic output positively changes so does theirs in response.

It is not any one person’s responsibility to fix we are all connected and here to work together.  It’s not enough that we hope someone else is taking care of things but rather that we all work as one, stronger and united in the common goal of caring, nurturing and growing the world around us positively.  Separation exists in ego form and serves only to honor its purpose which divides our souls in human existence only.

If you are looking for inspiration, choose the Lennon of your pleasure in the links below! 

While they are both gifted musically and creatively the messages at the forefront that resonate with me serve more as a collaborative guide with which to motivate and inspire us all to look within and help when and where you can.  If we are collectively all working to support and lift up those around us then the environment in which we live becomes the beautiful place it is supposed to be!

I love life, the people in it with me, experiencing joy with them and doing what l I can to preserve and not hurt the natural beauty of the environment we’ve been blessed to enjoy.

Imagine – John Lennon ………. “You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one”

Saltwater – Julian Lennon ……… “We are a billion children rolled into one”


Posted by on May 19, 2018 in Blog


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